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COSPLAY costumes role playing resources
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Joined 11 year(s) ago
Posted 11:11 AM Sunday, June 23, 2013   [ quote ]

COSPLAY costumes role playing resourcesRole-playing is so big right now. Just great. Of course, this hobby has been around since the 1980s, but it was only Japanese fashion has been steadily increasing popularity. Actor around the world to create their own costumes and props, to recreate their favorite characters from video games, movies and TV shows. These enthusiasts often gather online before they meet at the agreed share tips, tricks, and pictures. Clothing experts have discovered some of the best role-playing web pages and resources out there. Enjoy!Fire Lily RPG: This is the Fire Lily's personal website and has been involved since 2004 hobby costumer. Her website shows more than 40 of her looks, as well as blog, meeting schedules, and link tutorials. About this site's information, she gave each garment cool thing - she lists the product cost, how she made the project details, and she won any prizes. Visit Fire Lily RPG.RPG Laboratory: RPG laboratory is a great fan community, for those who want to make friends COSPLAY scene. Like any social media site, users can create their own profile and upload pictures of their latest creation. Another useful section of the website is a list of upcoming events and conventions, date, location, and price information. Visit RPG laboratories.Jia * Jim: Jia is a COSPLAYER from Chicago, has appeared in many magazines such as Elle and Japan COSMODE, currently working on her website has a huge gallery of pictures her impressive work - some clothing, including Tank Girl, Asuka Evangelion, Aqua Teen Hunger Force (Features pre-Gaga meat dress) Meatwad. The site also has excellent tutorials, at from how to pose for the camera, to create five feet long feather wings. Visit Jia * Jem.

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