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Commonly used external wall decoration materials
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Joined 7 year(s) ago
Posted 03:30 AM Wednesday, December 28, 2016   [ quote ]

1, exterior paint categories:Exterior cheap flooring material coating refers to the surface of the object can be firmly bonded with the grass-roots and form a complete and tough protective film material. Architectural coating is a modern building decoration material is a more economical material, construction is simple,WPC installation short construction period, high efficiency, decorative effect, easy maintenance. Exterior wall paint with decorative good, pollution-resistant anti-aging, construction and easy maintenance and reasonable price characteristics. In this case,

2, ceramic decorative materials: Ceramic wall brick durable, colorful and has a rich decorative effect, and has easy to clean, fire, water resistance, wear resistance, corrosion resistance and low maintenance costs. Decoration diary picture), building decorative stone:Ideas for Outdoor Flooring including natural facing stone (marble, granite) and artificial stone. Natural decorative stone decorative effect is good, durable, but the high cost. Artificial stone has the advantages of light weight, high strength, corrosion resistance, low price and convenient construction.

3, glass products with the control of light to regulate heat, save energy, improve the building environment, increase the beauty and so on. Including glass Kam brick,Building a Outdoor Curved Wood Plastic Benches glazed glass, tempered glass, stained glass and so on. Metal decorative plate comprehensive economic benefits significantly. Detrital finishes: including water brush stone, dry sticky stone. Chop ax stone and so on. Facade construction is convenient, economical and durable.

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