Posted at 05:37 AM on Saturday, December 4, 2021
Find them You can find them in Edgeville Dungeon and Taverley Dungeon. They are particularly vulnerable to Ranged weapons Combat level 13 chaos druids provide easy target, but be cautious since chaos druids are frequently haunted by players that kill players, so be sure to equip only items for combat that are required and carry a one-click teleporter along with you just in case. There aren't any specific requirements aside from membership.

Although there are two ways of hunting, only the safer one is described as it's the most profitable. The other involves roaming the Wilderness and thereby requiring the hunter to put their money at risk to ambushes from killers.

Again completing Dragon Slayer II quest is essential, and in addition, being a level 80 in combat or more , or 60 Ranged skilled level or 25 Prayer levels are mandatory. Regarding the equipment, choose runic-grade or better melee or ranged armor, an ant-dragon or dragonfire shield Amulets of Glory, Mythical cape.

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