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Group NameLost Ark: Where To Find Every Mokoko Seed In Windbringer Hills
DescriptionLost Ark: Where To Find Every Mokoko Seed In Windbringer Hills

There are over 1200 mokoko seeds scattered over The continents that comprise Lost Ark. Once you've collected 50 mokoko seeds, you'll receive an additional reward. These range from fantastic ship crew to epic reward items for rapport and treasure maps. Thus, it's worthwhile to collect as many seeds as you can.

The Windbringer Hills area of Arthetine includes nine Mokos. Seven of them are dotted on the map and are simple to get to locations. Two of them require for you to complete the Song of Resonance to enter an underground room. If you haven't yet learnt it you'll need to do it before you finish the room. We have all the information needed to identify the seeds.

Mokoko Seeds One And Two East Of Guard Post

Go straight to the east from the Guard Post Triport. There's a huge rock with a bright red bush beside it. In the distance to the east of the rock you'll see an old piece of machinery, and just to the north of it , another more massive Sandstone rock. Near the bottom of the rock, underneath a small amount of pink blooms, is your first mokoko plant of Windbringer Hills.

From here, you can leave this area by the path to the southeast. When you reach Mercenary Yona, take the right fork, then follow it northeast. The second mokoko is located in the middle of the small space you'll come to, and again located at the foot of a massive yellow rock that has pink plants on its top.

Mokoko Seeds Three and Four - East Of The Waste Facility

Make your way to The Waste Facility Triport and leave by following the east direction. When you reach the T-junction you came to, head to the south until you've got as far as you want to go and then make the leap southeast through the narrow chasm. Begin to move east along the north-side of the path there's a climbing point. Follow the ropes over the area, and descend the death-slide to the north. There's a large nest situated in the middle of the plateau you're on. Walk around the nest to the northeast corner, and you'll see a bright red plant next to some huge rocks. There's a hidden seed in the bottom of the plant.
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