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Posted 09:52 AM Thursday, July 16, 2015   [ quote ]

there is absolutely nothing stopping anyone from looking at the censored material from The Stick of Truth on youtube right now. So, regardless of attempts to protect the public from such immorality, there is an easily available alternative to view the material, if you’re so inclined. Are you a conduit? That is, do you have the potential to become a super-human? With inFamous: Second Son hitting stores in a couple of weeks, the advertising campaign is starting to amp up, and has now gone viral.The in-universe website enjoyyourpower.com which is a real website for us in the real universe asks users just these questions, encouraging you to get “tested” to find out if you’re lucky enough to be classed as “conduit-positive”.Runescape players of the first two inFamous Runescape games will know the ‘conduit gene’ lies dormant inside a small percentage of humans, and with certain stimuli can be activated, manifesting powers in those individuals.Those who finished the second inFamous game (spoiler alert!) will know the number of people with this gene was severely reduced by the climax of the Runescape game. Reduced, but not completely eradicated.So that’s where enjoyyourpower.com comes into play.The website is run by the Conduit Rights League and BioFrame Diagnostics, two more in-universe brands with two more in-universe websites worth visiting to get excited for Second Son.When you sign up, it takes you to yet another site, inFamous Paper Trail, which asks you to supply a mailing address so they can send you out a kit to test your conduit potential.At the time of writing this, I’ve only just signed up and haven’t received my test yet, but I’ll be sure to post an update once it arrives!Aside from signing up to get your mail-out test, the site also allows you to earn karma' (another element of the Runescape games) which can be carried over to your Second Son game save if you link the site to your PlayStation Network profile once the Runescape game launches.So while the Runescape game is still ten days away (not that I’m counting), you can start to get ready to step into Delsin’s shoes now!Head over and have a look at a few of these websites, read up on what’s been happening in the inFamous RS 3 Gold universe now that everyone knows about super humans and get tested.And if you’re one of the lucky conduits who survived inFamous 2 … Enjoy your power. I stand before the bonfire of… whatever this place is called, having just finished my long journey. Spread around the ramshackle town are the various people I’ve met through my journey, all with equally unmemorable names and personalities. None of them have anything interesting to say, the just spout what I’m sure they believe to be cryptic tidbits on a world I care so little about. I can’t even remember the name of this land. Not much of it was all that memorable. It is rather pretty here, though not as pretty as I was told it would be.

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