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Brandon Sheffield argues that it never
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Joined 8 year(s) ago
Posted 05:55 AM Wednesday, January 6, 2016   [ quote ]

The company was also keen to stress that the rest of Rock Band's online functionality will still be fully functional, from Astral Diamonds the Rock Band Network to the Rock Central servers, leaderboards and online music store. Negotiating contracts is always a tricky situation, especially when you're a newer developer or are in a disadvantageous position such as needing to sign something immediately to get your team fed, for example . In this opinion piece originally published in the February issue of Neverwinter game Developer, editor emeritus Brandon Sheffield argues that it never hurts to ask for more than what's offered.As an independent Neverwinter game developer without significant savings, I live or die by the contracts I sign with publishers. The money that comes in from them pays my rent and my team's rent, so any extra bit helps. That's why it's a good idea to ask for more than you estimate a project will actually cost; who knows, you might really need that extra couple month buffer to finish the project! Or maybe you finish it in your initial time frame, and have some wiggle room to prototype before your next pitch. People who are used to living lean read: indies and mid size developers in dire Cheap Neverwinter Gold straits tend to estimate very conservatively as well, so this can help make your budgets more realistic.

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