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Martindale abrasion tester test method
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Posted 06:41 AM Monday, September 13, 2021   [ quote ]

Martindale abrasion tester test method

MARTINDALE abrasion testing machine referred to as Martindale abrasion meter, SATRA TM31 standard for Martindale abrasion tester test leather wet friction method, Martindale abrasion meter test methods and standards. Cutting devices, such as pressure knives, are of sufficient size to produce test specimens that can be firmly pressed onto the test specimen carrier, and the exact size of the test specimen is determined by the test specimen carrier fixture. To prevent gadgetry SATRA STM105 should have a circular diameter of 44 - 1 mm. from various positions in the sheet avoiding any manufacturing edges of 50 mm. Cut an extra test specimen to one side for comparison or reference to faded or worn specimens. The test specimens are spun and left to stand for 24 hours at 20/-2°C and 65/-2% humidity. [url=https://www.qinsun-lab.com/]Testing Equipment [/url] [url=https://www.qinsun-lab.com/Products/Application/Leather/]Leather testing[/url] [url=https://www.qinsun-lab.com/22.html]Air Permeability Tester[/url]

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