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are taking over it.[Mankind Divided
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Posted 01:51 AM Saturday, August 22, 2015   [ quote ]

 Like what they say, it's like a shock treatment. That's what 9/11 was. That's what Pearl Harbor was. A global shock treatment. It's like people get literally in a state of shock, and that's when people make really rash decisions. That's when all sorts of control laws are installed, and that's usually when the state of the world changes quite a bit.We can analyze the Panchaea incident as being that, and it gave us leeway to have a very, very different state of affairs, a different state of the world while being in the exact same universe and explore different themes within that, he continued. That was definitely one of the reasons [we chose that ending] at a very high level. You have a little bit of all different endings in the canon ending we chose, because at the end of the day, you can still change the truth.Human Revolution had a very distinct, Blade Runner -style, black and gold theme. Jacques-Belletete noted rskfc that these colour reflected the transhumanism argument at the heart of that game but now that most augmented people are living in ghettos separate from the rest of society, these colours have faded in the background and there's a lot more blue.The world has moved to more of what we call corporate feudalism, he commented. That's the norm in the world and Mankind Divided. Corporations are taking over it.[Mankind Divided ] is all based on the brutalism, the brutalist architecture movement, which has to do a lot with crude concrete, crude materials, harsh plain angles. It looks like fortifications. It's almost like we've gone back to the Dark Ages of the medieval era, before the Renaissance. Because of that, the palette is a lot more desaturated. There's a lot more blue. Whenever you have this kind of apartheid, or you have this kind of control over everybody, this is when you have the blues, this is when you have the desaturation, and this is when you have that gloominess. And when you go to the areas that are a bit more controlled by the augmented people, like in the ghetto, this is when the gold comes back, almost as if they're bringing their own little candles. It's all an analogy. It was really just with the story it made sense to have less of it.Some have pointed to the similarities between Deus Ex and X-men stories and Jacques-Belletete said both are based on the issue of segregation.People are afraid of people who are different than them. They're afraid, he commented. I guess the through line is that. It's all about segregation. When you're afraid of someone that's not like you, you have a tendency to push away, racism, discrimination, all that stuff. I think that's what they have in common and, yeah, people are totally right. We knew it right from the beginning, it was even part of our references when we started.

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