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Arkham series as it was meant
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Posted 01:50 AM Saturday, August 22, 2015   [ quote ]

 Share your thoughts with us in the comments.Batman: Arkham Knight PC Sales Suspended Over Performance Issues. The market has spoken. Warner Bros. Interactive and Rocksteady Runescape games have announced that the sales of Batman: Arkham Knight have been suspended while they are working to fix the Runescape game's myriad issues on the PC. Among the problems listed by Runescape players include a host of graphical glitches, crash bugs, performance-related issues and more.The PC version of the Runescape game was very badly optimized and as such, its Runescape players left negative reviews on the Runescape game's official Steam page, many of whom even requested refunds over the title.Here's what they wrote: Dear Batman: Arkham Knight PC owners,We want to apologize to those of you who are experiencing performance issues with Batman: Arkham Knight on PC. We take these issues very seriously and have therefore decided to suspend future game sales of the PC version while we work to address these issues to satisfy our quality standards. We greatly value our customers and know that while there are a significant amount of Runescape players who are enjoying the Runescape game on PC, we want to do whatever we can to make the experience better for PC Runescape players overall.Thank you to those Runescape players who have already given valuable feedback. The Batman: Arkham fans have continually supported the franchise to its current height of success, and we want to thank you for your patience as we work to deliver an updated version of Batman: Arkham Knight on PC so you can all enjoy the final chapter of the Batman: Arkham series as it was meant to be played. It's safe to say that Steam's new refund system, maligned early on by certain parties despite being extremely consumer-friendly, is working as intended. The makers of Batman: Arkham Knight had no choice but to listen to their customers' complaints. Thanks Cheap RS Gold to the impact of the refund system, it looks like we won't be seeing a repeat of Batman: Arkham Origins ' disastrous launch on the PC.Destiny Ties Up With Red Bull For Some Exclusive Perks. Destiny 's newest expansion, The Taken King, has met with some controversy. The prohibitive pricing has left a bad taste in some Runescape players' mouths, but Red Bull has just announced a collaboration that might help wash that taste out.Red Bull is partnering up with Bungie and Activision to bring you some exclusive stuff for Destiny. First, they're giving out bonus XP in the form of the Focused Light XP buff, which will act as Red Bull for your character and increase the XP you gain by 50% for a 30-minute period. You can get the Destiny -marked Red Bull cans exclusively in 7-Eleven stores starting July, and redeem the codes until July 31, 2016.The second Red Bull exclusive is a new quest which will become available upon the launch of the new expansion pack.

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