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Concrete mixer need maintain and service
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Joined 8 year(s) ago
Posted 09:55 AM Wednesday, August 12, 2015   [ quote ]

Concrete mixer is mainly to mix the cement and sand evenly, as you can imagine, the concrete mixerneed have very strong strength. Some sediment consolidates on the impeller, which makes the organics with a lot of dirt, so concrete mixer need maintain and service .how to maintain the concrete mixer to prolong the service life?

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You should check whether the working state of the various parts is normal before using the concrete mixer.

After using the mixer SICOMA MPC planetary mixer manufacturer, you should clean it in time. The dirt on the mixer body should be cleared up Ready Mix Concrete Plants, and be avoided entering the motor, gear and other equipment at the same time. You should put some oil on the mixer body sometimes to avoid damaging the machine with huge friction.

At the time of concrete mixer working, you should also pay attention to its parts from time to time, such as electromotor, transmission gear and so on, you can judge whether they are normal by the voice of their work. If there is any abnormal noise, you should shut down the machine in time and check it out seriously. Only seriously you maintain and service the concrete mixer well SICOMA Twin-Shaft Concrete Mixers, will the work time of the machine be longer and the quality of the concrete be reliable.

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