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World of Warcraft Classic: Launch of Phase 2 later
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Joined 4 year(s) ago
Posted 09:53 AM Saturday, October 12, 2019   [ quote ]

cheap WOW Classic Gold Blizzard Entertainment commented on the release period for Phase 2 of the online role-playing game World of Warcraft. Accordingly the starting gun will fall later this year. However the team has to create the right conditions first. This affects among other things the layering.

It has been known for some months now that the content for the online role-playing game World of Warcraft Classic will appear in several phases. The launch of the MMO in late August also marked the start of Phase 1 with the first two raids. But when does the next phase follow? The answer to this question was recently provided by Game Director Ion Hazzikostas in an interview with PC Gamer Magazine.

Therefore since the start of the second phase of World of Warcraft Classic (buy now for 12,99 €)buy WOW Classic Gold cheap definitely planned for the rest of this year. He could not or did not want to call a concrete date but it should not take too long. Before that however the development team had to create the necessary framework conditions. Among other things the world bosses like Kazzak and Azuregos come into play with Phase 2. Blizzard Entertainment currently uses server layering to cope with the huge number of players. However the developers want to avoid having multiple world bosses on the different layers because of the risk of exploits and extreme farming.

According to current plans the layering in World of Warcraft but probably in the next few weeks will be disabled so that then the basic conditions for the start of Phase 2 are likely to be. Of course we will keep you up to date.

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