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to protect the market flooring
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Joined 7 year(s) ago
Posted 02:52 AM Wednesday, March 8, 2017   [ quote ]

[ possibility. "According to my recent understanding of the factory to see the situation, we 8mm specifications floor costs about 3-5 yuan / square meter, 12mm specifications of the floor costs are also 6-8 yuan / square meters." This price was as low as Tens of dollars, but more than 100 yuan to strengthen the floor, the increase is quite large.fence chain link in dubai

[The elephant floor] hope to stabilize the price to protect the market Shengxiang flooring Shenzhen factory owner Zou said: So far there is no price increases, the fundamental reason is that the hope that the market can be more stable. Now the industry inside the price, as a representative of the enterprise,balcony floor

we hope to stabilize the price to protect the market and protect the interests of consumers. "The final result In view of the trend of rising prices on the market, some people have recently thrown out such remarks: there is a "invisible hand" by the floor of raw materials shortage, starting from September this year, a day from Jiangsu to a local competitors to send their own Should be confidential price information,sale on composite decking

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