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Now that Facebook is available on iPhone
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Posted 06:46 AM Saturday, December 31, 2016   [ quote ]

Gareth Davis’ GDC Social Gaming Summit keynote was a mixture of old and new, but his larger takeaway was the potential future of cross-platform gaming, based around your friends.There were quite a lot of congratulatory statistics (rightfully so), including the facts that 70% of the Facebook audience is global (i.e. non-U.S.), 200 million people use Facebook daily, and 400 million monthly. RS 07 Gold Over a million developers have created over 500,000 apps over the last few years, and more than 200 million people are playing games every month on the service.Davis is platform manager at Facebook, heading up the games division. “We’ve moved beyond the core gamer,” he said, “and we now have people playing games across every demographic.” Much of this was old news to veteran Facebook developers, who packed the keynote on the new summit’s first day. Davis mentioned that the Facebook platform is changing the way games are designed, monetized, developed, and marketed – and that interacting with friends is the true value seen in these games, calling this “the ultimate compulsion loop.”He reminded us that most games throughout history have been social, from backgammon to chess, and that even modern board games and video games are social, from Risk to Rock Band.“Pretty soon all games will be social,” said Davis, “and we won’t call them social games, we’ll just start calling them games again.” This was one of the better points made during the keynote – extrapolating on the sentiment, the way we describe these games may alienate certain developers from appreciating their applications beyond just the Facebook realm, Buy Runescape Gold which in fact is a point Davis addressed later.Now that Facebook is available on iPhone, consoles, desktops, and other devices, Davis envisions a future in which developers will tailor content to specific device.

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