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the cork floor surface
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Joined 9 year(s) ago
Posted 02:44 AM Wednesday, November 16, 2016   [ quote ]

Cork floor is suitable for hotels, libraries, hospitals, nurseries, computer room, studio, conference room, protect and family occasions, but it must be based on the performance of the room, choose suitable varieties of cork floor.

Cork floor is divided into five types of the first category: cork floor surface without any cover, this product is the most early. The second category: in the cork floor surface for painting. In the surface coating of cementation cork UV varnish or paint or photosensitive varnish PVA Exterior Wall Panels .

According to the different paint, but also can be divided into three kinds, namely highlights, matte light of peace. Is this technology in the 90 s, this kind of product of cork floor is higher requirements on the surface, is used in the soft wood more pure. Third class: PVC veneer, namely in the cork floor surface covered with PVC cover, its structure is usually four layers.Affordable Outdoor Flooring

Class 4: PVC cover, the thickness is 0.45 mm; The 2nd is natural two sub-companies named seaport, its thickness is 0.45 mm; The third layer of cementation cork, its thickness is about 2 mm; Underlying for PVC plate with a third class as water proofing property is good,Composite Vs Wood Porch Flooring at the same time, the balance of surface stress, its thickness is 0.2 mm or so. The fifth class: plastic cork floor, resin cementation cork floor, rubber cork floor.

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