How will learn Quran Online, Is there any institution for online Quran Teaching.

what to write into the description field
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Joined 7 year(s) ago
Posted 02:47 AM Friday, October 28, 2016   [ quote ]

The presentations also can't be cherry-picked like at the start; this is just simply all of them, all types, every subject that the GDC organizers thought needed to be spoken about in later half of the 1990s. It's about duty over fun now.But that's a duty I think is worth taking on. So I've been going through the tapes I've already digitized, uploading them, and getting things together.RS 3 Gold Frankly, this amount of material coming in has meant I've had to really step up the ingesting hardware. Here's what we have going on right now in that department:There's now a dedicated notebook computer, called "Super Duper", whose many USB ports allow me to hook in everything from the cassette-to-USB to a number of hard drives and the video-to-USB converter that I've used to pull in the beginnings of what will be dozens of videotapes.

(More of those coming in my next entry.)Some of the GDC material is on MiniDV, and I happen to own a Mini-DV capable video camera, so that's connected into the mess as well. The many fine folks recording GDC over the years appear to have gone from one type of recording medium to another, and each year had a lot of recording done, hence the piles of lookalike media stacked in my house. Betamax was big one year, but then MiniDV won for a couple more. RS 07 Gold By the time we get to 2007, it's all just being thrown onto hard drives and never seeing any sort of tape, digital or otherwise.Just this week, I've added roughly 100 hours of new content to the vault, pretty much all of it audio-based. Included in this batch are programs from various years, which are now my source material to figure out what may be missing, and what to write into the description field.

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