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The wilderness to allure players
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Joined 8 year(s) ago
Posted 03:52 AM Thursday, June 23, 2016   [ quote ]

IMO the acumen the wilderness is asleep is because there is annihilation in the wilderness to allure players.

It's not dead, for a alpha attending at apple 2, revs, warbands, action advance etc.

It may be beneath popular, but by no agency dead.

Warbands was attempted to Buy cheap runescape 3 gold be monopolized, but aback a lot of their hosts accept become independant for a amount of reasons, authoritative it a lot added absorbing = )#).

Although I do accede there allegation to be added affidavit for humans to access the wilderness.

In acknowledgment to the capital column I feel giving alone 2 options, one of which isn't accomplishing annihilation is far to limiting.

Try delivery it as an idea, "How about bringing Revenants aback with EOC abilities?".

I anticipate that Revenents are in allegation of a rework, as some of their drops are finer attenuate animate armour (#( which degrades to nothing )#).

Steel platebody: Armour appraisement = 72, Action benefit = 480, Cost = 1k, non degrading, rarity: .../common

Corrupt Statius's platebody: A r = 72, L b = 480, Cost = 1.9m, continuance = 15 mins, rarity: rare/very rare


However, as they are, I anticipate it's added advantageous to accept them all in one place, for the account of humans in actuality hunting them, and accepting a abode to go to PK.

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