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The PS3 and Xbox 360
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Joined 8 year(s) ago
Posted 07:58 AM Thursday, May 5, 2016   [ quote ]

With this in mind, stay tuned for more information.What you expect tosee during the presentation of Nintendo Direct? Get us in the comments. Batman: Arkham Knight Nintendo Direct is working on rsfunny 1080p on PS4. During the later period of the PS3 and Xbox 360, the decision was all the rage. Almost every game developer dedicated to interview at least one, and sometimes more, to explain how special statement would be contrary to (frame rate, resolution) on each platform. In most cases, 360 numbers PS3 and Xbox is not same.With jump to the next generation, but many questions that the decision appeared and the number of frames per second will be to the past, where he was both the Xbox One and PS4 is described as a device capable of. This is not to say that consoles are not, but the truth is that we still have discussions on the resolution and frame rate says volumes.The last Deadman Mode Gold in the decision to put a cap ring and Batman: Arkham Knight, which was confirmed today as a product for 1080P PS4.

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