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Other applications of WPC
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Joined 8 year(s) ago
Posted 08:09 AM Friday, April 8, 2016   [ quote ]

For the plastic sheet, non-toxic and harmless, is that consumers love the natural environmentally friendly products, wood production line plastic sheet is a hot-melt plastics, including polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride as an adhesive, such as with a wooden powder wood, agricultural plants straw, agricultural plant crustaceans powder as filler material, through advanced technology and equipment to produce high-tech products.

?In our daily life, for the WPC profiles still have a certain understanding, but the decoration of wood in addition to the application, but also mainly used in what areas?

It used to make pallets; tray, 'WPC' could be plenty. In need of more than 100 million trays, the output value of about 150 billion yuan. Now 90% of wood products tray. The same size wooden pallets, each about 80-120 yuan, 300 yuan plastic tray; and 'wood pallets '70 to $ 150, and recyclable, reusable.

For railway sleepers; railway sleepers, with the 'WPC' replace all wood or concrete sleepers pillow, more advantages. 70% of sleepers concrete products. Since the train speed, due to rigid concrete sleepers for track bed big impact, easily crushed and pulverized ballast, resulting Frothing, mud, impact line stability. The consistent good wood sleepers to solve this problem, experts predict that by 2010, 'wood sleepers' demand will reach 80 million cubic meters, about 12 million. Given the many advantages of PVC plastic sheet, the demand will be growing, so PVC plastic sheet production line will have broad market prospects.

the article come from:Wood Plastic Composite Products Manufacture

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