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Blade and Soul Assassin Build and Guide for Mushin
Total posts 67
Joined 8 year(s) ago
Posted 06:17 AM Friday, March 11, 2016   [ quote ]

The attack mode of Blade and Soul Mushin Tower Floor eight Mushin Rage and Darkness is that the same, the sole distinction is that the speed of skills unleash. Here we have a tendency to would share the cheap blade and soul gold assassin vital skills you would like purpose initial.

1. Spinal Tap
Can stun the target and not be found in hiding.

2. Shadow Slash -
Knockdown enemies within the front three meters.

3. Lightning tear -
Stun enemies for two sec.

4. Shadowless Step -
Enter hiding for six sec once use.

5. Landmine buy blade and soul gold
Knockup shocked, Dazed enemies.

6. Sneak Attack -
Dazes enemies for two sec.

There area unit two visual to defeat Mushin boss, one is that the head flashing blue lightweight, now the boss will see you below the hiding, it mean that the hiding has no result on him. we have a tendency to decision this standing is anti-stealth.

Another is that the boss head with none identification, now he cannot see you once hiding, therefore you'll output in hiding.
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