Why do we need to learn German? Lets have a discussion on it...

who knows Maybe you see your
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Joined 8 year(s) ago
Posted 06:08 AM Saturday, October 31, 2015

Your creativity will know no bounds. Whether digital or classic drawn by hand The concept does not have to look perfect, but convince with originality visually. Thus, people are addressed, perhaps not fullblooded artist sind.Überzeugt her the Aion team, so your approach will be forwarded directly to NCsoft that are at once also announce the winner. So who is 18, has a character in the universe of Aion and completed by 23 September will, can equal terminals behind the drawing board and who knows Maybe you see your own thing soon in the hands of the Raiders. All other information on the conduct can be found on the official site. Here is the link to the competition page PlanetSide 2 Massive performance improvements in march In a letter to the community of PlanetSide 2 PS2 TechDirector Ryan Elam goes on the future of the MMO shooter and says it especially performance updates will be. For the players, Final Fantasy XIV Gil updates are always a twosided thing. On the one hand, new features and content to the expectancyscale always near the top. On the other, we will work on existing problems. In Planetside 2, the developers have decided to only once again to take a look at the performance of the free MMOs that has to suffer in great battles in poorer PCs still. According to TechDirector Ryan Elam the game's content and what the features As for where you want it. Time, then, to look after the performance. This he writes in a letter to the Community.Das goal is to enable the balance between quality and high frame rates. This is to succeed with many small updates. What will be, you can read on the official site. Source Massively ArcheAge player receives $ 10,000 a devoted fan of MMORPGs ArcheAge is rewarded for his performances with a large sum of money. This is in no way virtual currency, but how exactly the players now came to the beautiful sum of one million yen, which correspond approximately 10,000 dollars? It sounds like the dream of every player A Japanese man with the virtual name Moruchan no great thought this is when he started with the MMORPG